Thursday 2 July 2015

Term 2 Reflection

WALT: Write effect paragraphs on your own about the term.

I have learnt lots of thing in term two for this year. For example; I have learnt how to put examples in writing, also new words, what are word classes, what are similes and loads more. In my maths class I have learnt how to solve a fraction problem with fractions, and in literacy class I have learnt how to write effect paragraphs and put more detail in it.

Sadly the term has come to an end. There is only half a day left and I will try and spend it well. This term has been crazy, first I have to do two animations, then next thing I know I have a broken leg. Then I have to finish two projects, one in the Maker Space and the other in our literacy class. It has been crazy, but I have learnt a lot, in class and at home.

The good news is that I have got a new Duffy book! Duffy is a reading company for schools and other places like that. I got the book called Oliver Twist written by Charles Dickens. I look forward to reading it during the holidays, because I will have something to do. It is very long and I am a slow reader, so I think I will be reading it for a while, a long while.

This term has come to an end. But there is always next term. There is also the boring holiday for me because I have a broken leg, so I can't do much. I will try to read my book during the holidays and get half way though it. The link to 'Charles Dickens', it might not be the same person.

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