Tuesday 13 December 2016

Prizegiving 2016

WALT: Write a reflection on current events in our school. 
Image result for prizesOn Thursday the eighth of December, we had our 2016 Prize Givings. The senior Prize Giving was held in the evening. While the junior’s was in the afternoon the seniors (year five-eight’s) stayed in class waiting for their Prize Giving to come. Our annual school Prize Giving would announce the year eight leadership roles. Next I will be a year eight so I was so excited.   

Three days before Prize Giving, I got an envelope that said I was getting a prize. Butterflies flew around in my stomach. My brain was trying to figure out what it was for. The day of Prize Giving I was bouncing around like a loose spring. It came to my shower and I was singing like Beyonce. That evening when I arrived, I saw my friend and went to stand with her. We waited for a while before going inside the hall to sit. Kapa haka performed first, followed by the team four’s class awards. After that the year five’s academics and their performance. Next was the sport awards for the middle part of the school (year four to six). Then the year six’s academics and their performance.  Prizes for year sevens were coming up.
Image result for prizesTeam fives class prizes were awarded. Just before our year seven performance, the year seven academics were called. “In third place”, said our principal ”Seini!”. I cheered because Seini is a close friend. Cameo came in second place and I came in first. I have a trophy and one certificate. We then performed our dance. Every other award was given out and then it came to the top of the school. It was a first equal with my friend coming third place.

Prize Giving this year was my best Prize Giving. I was awarded first in academic with no equal. The last prizes went out and the leadership roles for 2017 were announced. All the house captains and Maori leaders were called before prefects. The first three female prefects and then my name was called. I stood up and gave a big hug to Heather(one of my good friends).

I tried to use as many new vocabulary as I could. I am very exited for next year and hope to do well. Next year, I will try to post something about being a prefect.


  1. Talofa Lava Talita!

    I'm Mark, a teacher working for the Summer Learning Journey you signed up for at the end of your school year! I was just having a browse through all the students blogs and found this MASSIVE summary of your prize giving! WOW! What a cool summary! You are a great writer, I really got a picture of what it was like to be there!

    I know you haven't started our programme yet, but if you get the chance I think you'd enjoy joining in with your classmates. It seems like they're all having fun learning about the world and traveling!! There are lots of experienced travelers and locals commenting on their work!

    In any case, I hope you are having a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing you online soon!


  2. Talofa Lava Talita!
    It's your friend Jahzara I enjoyed watching you dance for Prizegiving,
    you are lucy that you got a prize
    hoping to see you at school keep up the good work



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